3D Laser Scanning
With the use of the latest high definition laser scanning technology we can survey buildings, structures, services and highways in high detail and in rapid time. The surface of any object in line of sight of the scanner can be remotely captured as 3D points and used to form a 3D point cloud. This brings the real world in to the digital world and allows data to be extracted and interrogated.
Benefits associated with this method of surveying include:
Fast, complete and detailed data capture
Remote capture of data
Enables 3D modelling and BIM (Building Information Management)
The panoramic scan images can be viewed online using the Webshare service
Clash detection – Overlay design drawings to identify any potential clashes
Historical record
There are a number of deliverables that we can provide:
2D CAD Plans, sections and elevations derived from the scan data
A Point Cloud data file
Revit models
3D wireframe or rendered models
Fly through videos